Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Extra Blog 1

So this is my first extra blog I am doing in order to somehow avoid the unquenching wrath of my father. I really am sorry I missed an extra day. I could not even leave the toilet because of how sick I was. There was really nothing I could do. Please have mercy on me. I cannot afford a B because I missed one class when I put so much hard work in and tried my best, only to have the grade stripped from me. I hope you feel generous or merciful and help me out, because I really did not mean to miss that day. Anyway let us analyze some ads! This is a really funny ad that many people can relate to because of all the pathos contained in it. The ad is for Fraich Frites Special Friteuse. This is in French and when translated to English, it reads “Fresh Fries Special Fryer.” OOH it sounds super yummy and delicious. Anyway, the ad shows a little French girl with a very agitated visage getting her cheeks pinched by what I would think are her grandmas hands. Then the product is shown in the top right and text underneath says “Granny’s fries without the Granny.” There is pathos because everyone can relate to getting their cheeks pinched and I mean the cheeks on your face, by your grandma and how unbelievably awful it was. But one thing that threw me off is that she makes fries. I have never heard of a grandma making amazing, delicious, homemade fries. My grandma makes the stereotypical cookies and amazing cheese toast with lots of garlic. So a grandma making fries is kind of weird to me. But I can feel for the little girl that I would rather eat the delicious food without numb cheeks. This ad is also humorous. I feel that humor is very prevalent in ads because people respond well to humor usually. Anyway I really love this ad and I can totally relate to it except for the weird grandma making fries thing. I never got passed that aspect of the ad. Another thing is that the company is saying that their packaged fries are as good as granny’s cooking. That is a bold statement to put your food equal to granny’s food. But hey, their ad works and for that reason I will be eating these Fraiche Fries and get my grandma to make some fries and compare which are better. It might be a little complicated getting all the way to France to buy these fries though. It might not be that cost effective. I bet Amazon has them. I will find a way, no matter what it takes.

This company called Toyo, a company that apparently makes tires made a pretty “gripping” ad… Get it? Their claim is that their tires have grip like an octopi’s suction cups. Everyone knows that an octopus has amazing grip to most surfaces so those tires must be really amazing. I thought this is a very interesting ad.

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