Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Extra Blog 3

The final addition to the three extra five hundred blog posts has started. I am so pumped to be at Clemson and to be finishing my first year at Clemson. It really has flown by and I have learned many things and I love the friends I have made and all the things God has shown me and revealed to me about what I should do. I have also found my little niche of friends. They are good guys and great influences. I am so glad to have friends like those. I knew Clemson was the right university for me and I am so glad to be going here and to be a Tiger for four years. I would not have it any other way. Now time for my favorite part of the blog post, some ad analyzing! Look at this amazing ad. The ad shows a man connected to a hot air balloon with a can of Pringles in his hand and blowing fire into the balloon to make him float. He is above a city which reminds me of certain parts of China or Seattle because it is so smoggy. The ad is advertising Hot & Spicy Pringles. The Pringles are so hot that you will be breathing fire and what better way to utilize breathing fire than connecting yourself to a hot air balloon and floating around the sky. You would never have to worry about traffic and you would get everywhere much faster and with less hassle. I hate spicy things and food items but I could overlook it if I could do this. I do not know if people would want to eat something that make them breathe fire. I know it is an exaggeration but it is still kind of scary. Fire benders, Charizard and all those guys are mischievous and dangerous. Fire is not something to play around with and if put in the wrong hands, it could be extremely dangerous. That is why I would have to be super careful with these chips of ultimate power.

This next ad is so amazingly awesome. It is an ad for Timotei Natural Style Shampoo and Conditioner. It shows a lion, likely in the Serengeti lying in a grassy field. But one thing is different; the lion’s hair is super, duper, uber fabulous. Who knew that some shampoo could tame the mane of the king of the jungle? Pathos is used to produce a feeling of humor to the audience. Seeing a lion with a polished and flowing mane is pretty funny and gets the point across that even this shampoo can tame a lion’s mane. I will be using this shampoo because I have bushy unruly hair like my fellow lion here. And if it can fix his hair, it can definitely fix mine.

This next ad is for Maglite, a flashlight that is super bright and very intense. The ad shows a security guard burning a hole in the painting using his flashlight. The company is trying to convey that their flashlight is the strongest and best flashlight around. I think they prove it pretty well considering I don’t see any other flashlight burning holes in stuff. I am totally getting it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Extra Blog 2

This is the second part of writing three extra five hundred word blogs in hopes that these will save my grade and save me from the holy wrath of my father, who really wants me to get an A. So for these three blog posts we are going to look at so many ads it is going to make your eyes hurt so prepare yourself. Our first ad is for the product made by the company Pattex. What this advertisement is showing is that their glue is super strong.  The ad shows an old couple stuck together, the old woman has a smile on her face while the old man is frowning in disdain. I do not know if I used the right word there… Disdain? Oh well his face shows much disdain. This glue could be so strong that maybe the ad is saying that they got stuck together when they were young and full of life and now they are old and grey. I guess being literally stuck to someone for sixty years would get kind of old to. The ethos of this is that their glue must be really good if they can stick to people together for sixty years. That is improving their credibility of their product and themselves as a company. Pathos is used in this ad as well by invoking a certain feeling of awe in the ads audience. I know when I saw it, I thought, “wow I cannot believe that the glue worked that well for so long that the couple got super old! What a wonderfully dangerous yet strong product!”  There is not much logos here though. Why would two people stick themselves together and honestly what kind of glue can last that long. The ad makes use of humor to appeal its product to its audience. I am a big fan of this ad. I like the humor used and the fact that two people could be stuck together for sixty something years. Also I enjoy the “Everybody Loves Raymond” couple where Marie is all smiles and Frank just can’t stand being stuck with her.

This next picture is very striking. It is an ad for the WWF or the World Wide Fund for Nature. The ad shows what looks to be a forest in the shape of two lungs in a large green landscape. One of the “lungs” has be partially cleared or deforested. These missing trees mean we get less oxygen so it shows that the lungs are literally disappearing. That is why we need to stop useless deforestation. The more we clear, the less oxygen we have and last time I checked, humans can’t live without oxygen. This uses a lot of pathos. It makes me feel scared and worried for our world’s future. I don’t want to live in the cold sleek metal future of tomorrow. I want to live in a wooded glen and be happy that I can breathe fresh air. I love trees.

Extra Blog 1

So this is my first extra blog I am doing in order to somehow avoid the unquenching wrath of my father. I really am sorry I missed an extra day. I could not even leave the toilet because of how sick I was. There was really nothing I could do. Please have mercy on me. I cannot afford a B because I missed one class when I put so much hard work in and tried my best, only to have the grade stripped from me. I hope you feel generous or merciful and help me out, because I really did not mean to miss that day. Anyway let us analyze some ads! This is a really funny ad that many people can relate to because of all the pathos contained in it. The ad is for Fraich Frites Special Friteuse. This is in French and when translated to English, it reads “Fresh Fries Special Fryer.” OOH it sounds super yummy and delicious. Anyway, the ad shows a little French girl with a very agitated visage getting her cheeks pinched by what I would think are her grandmas hands. Then the product is shown in the top right and text underneath says “Granny’s fries without the Granny.” There is pathos because everyone can relate to getting their cheeks pinched and I mean the cheeks on your face, by your grandma and how unbelievably awful it was. But one thing that threw me off is that she makes fries. I have never heard of a grandma making amazing, delicious, homemade fries. My grandma makes the stereotypical cookies and amazing cheese toast with lots of garlic. So a grandma making fries is kind of weird to me. But I can feel for the little girl that I would rather eat the delicious food without numb cheeks. This ad is also humorous. I feel that humor is very prevalent in ads because people respond well to humor usually. Anyway I really love this ad and I can totally relate to it except for the weird grandma making fries thing. I never got passed that aspect of the ad. Another thing is that the company is saying that their packaged fries are as good as granny’s cooking. That is a bold statement to put your food equal to granny’s food. But hey, their ad works and for that reason I will be eating these Fraiche Fries and get my grandma to make some fries and compare which are better. It might be a little complicated getting all the way to France to buy these fries though. It might not be that cost effective. I bet Amazon has them. I will find a way, no matter what it takes.

This company called Toyo, a company that apparently makes tires made a pretty “gripping” ad… Get it? Their claim is that their tires have grip like an octopi’s suction cups. Everyone knows that an octopus has amazing grip to most surfaces so those tires must be really amazing. I thought this is a very interesting ad.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blog 11

The photo displayed above is an advertisement for Denver Water.  At first glance, we see that the bench has about three quarters of the bright orange seat missing, revealing the dull concrete posts and the minimal support of the metal bars.  Although this ad does not have much going on, it clearly represents the exact message that Denver Water is trying to get across; use only what you need.  While further analyzing the advertisement, the message from Denver Water became even more apparent to me through their attention to detail and symbolism.  The color orange represents sunshine, determination, and joy.  The use of the color orange in this advertisement is minimal and that is because they are trying to convey to us that using only what we need will give us a sense of pride and happiness because we are doing something nice for the environment.  The green grass symbolizes what we have now, an abundance of fresh water.  However, the concrete symbolizes what we will have in the future if we keep overindulging with the amount of water we use.  The advertisement engages pathos by making us feel guilty for using too much water.  They want us to visibly see what it looks like to use only what we need by showing a seat only big enough for one person to sit down on.  The advertisement also engages ethos because of the company who is displaying this ad.  Denver Water is an influential water company who people would listen to when it comes to water resources.  Finally, the advertisement captures logos because of its logical appeal.  This advertisement makes you think rationally.  If we use more water than is necessary, what is going to happen?  The advertisement is well thought out and conveys the exact message that Denver Water was trying to create

Friday, April 11, 2014

Blog 10

What is up class? I have been having a wonderful day in the sun and now it is time to analyze rhetoric in some ads. Also I played some Frisbee and it was super fun! Frisbee is my new favorite sport! Check out this ad for planting more tress from some conservationist company. It has a concrete pole and a spray painted shadow of a palm tree on the ground. The pole read in white letter that “nothing can replace a tree”. This reminds people of the nearing future of what will be if we continue deforestation. Also this shows that trees will be just a shadow of our humanity’s future. This is most apparent in the amazon the main sources of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest are human settlement and development of the land. In the nine years from 1991 to 2000, the total area of Amazon rain forest cleared rose from 415,000 to 587,000 km²; comparable to the total land area of Spain, Madagascar or Manitoba. Most of this lost forest has been replaced with pasture for cattle. I am a big proponent for conservation because I am worried about the future air quality of our nation. I do not want to end up like Hong Kong and Beijing in China where people have to wear masks to avoid getting sick. The pollution is so thick down in China that you cannot see a block ahead of you. I love planting trees in my neighborhood and other parks. It gives me a sense of hope and also a sense of accomplishment. It lets me know that I am helping produce more oxygen and making the town look better as well is a good bonus. I hope that everyone will realize to save energy and other stuff before it is too late.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Blog 9

Class, readers of the internet, welcome to my wall of imagination and creativity. This wondrous page on the world wide interweb is where I write my most secret and emotional thoughts… about advertisements and rhetoric and what not. I am having trouble coming up with a topic for my research paper. I really do have some good ideas about gun control but you “shot” that paper down Ms. Roberts. Get it? You “shot” down a paper and it is about gun control? I am probably the punniest guy I know. So I think I might do a paper on whether violent video games really affect kids in negative and threatening way. What about the media talking about murder and almost ninety percent of all television shows violence and sex and blood and gore. Our society ourselves are violent enough.  What I am getting at is that it is not just video games and well I should save the rest for my paper! Cannot give everything away in the “trailer” eh? That would be like going to see a comedy summer blockbuster only to realize they showed all the funny parts in the trailers and then you are mad at the world for a few days… or weeks. Anyway time for some good ol’ fashioned rhetorical strategies used in advertisements. Check this one out for instance. It is an advertisement for a condom showing 3 men, 1 one which is naked and the other 2 with firefighting gear on using a hose to fight a fire. It is giving a message saying you would not go into fighting fires unprotected, why would you have unprotected sex as it is just as “dangerous.” You have to be protected and prepared at all times is what the advertisement is trying to convey. In other words, if you are going to have sex, you might as well be protected.